See Answers To Frequently Asked Questions


Can a default be removed from my credit file? 

Yes, if the credit provider has breached the relevant legislation then the default must be permanently removed.

Will paying my overdue account remove the default? 

Absolutely not, we recommend paying the overdue amount but it does not guarantee the removal of the negative listing.

How long does the default stay on my credit file? 

A default and court judgement will remain on your credit file for up to 5 years and a serious credit infringement will remain on your file for up to 7 years.

What are the benefits of credit repair? 

Credit providers consider individuals with low credit ratings as high risk, meaning they will either decline the application or charge higher interest rates. Credit files with no adverse information generally have score of 750-850, which is considered high range. 

How long does it take? 

Credit providers and credit reporting bodies must respond to a disputes in relation to your credit file within 30 days.

My default is only a couple hundred dollars is that a big-deal? 

Regardless of the size of the default, the fact that a negative listing has been recorded on your credit file may result in you being considered a credit risk.

Do I have to pay my overdue account to have the default removed from my credit file? 

If the listing has been placed invalidly, then you do not have to pay it for it to be removed from your credit file.


We will be pleased to discuss the economic and competitive costs of our services in detail, before you engage our services.

Quotations in writing provided. Customer will be provided with a detailed invoice as well as receipt documentation

Credit Repair Consultation

If you're having trouble with your bad credit, getting tired of going through high-interest lenders or you are simply looking for a means to an end of your financial vulnerability. Then get in contact now for a free, no obligation assessment of your situation by one of our lovely staff members.

  • Address

    Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane
    Perth | Darwin | Adelaide

  • Hours

    Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM AESTWeekends: Closed
